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PARK COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                                         AUGUST 25, 2004

Park Commissioners Present:  Richard Gawinski, Roy Kuehn, Herb Horn, Michael Lynch, Glen Allen, John Zaborsky and Judy Holtz.


Also Present:

Director Michael T. Kading                                          Bookkeeper Mary Heiting                               

Cal Tesch                                                                     Bill Rasmussen


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The Commission meeting was held at the Community Center and was called to order by President Richard Gawinski at 6:30 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call taken.



MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Commissioner Mike Lynch to approve the minutes of August 11, 2004.  Motion carried unanimously.


The Commissioners reviewed the expenditure list in the amount of $7,312.07.  MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Commissioner Roy Kuehn to approve the expenditures as listed.  Motion carried unanimously.



Cal Tesch and Bill Rasmussen representing Palisades Athletics asked if any further discussion has been made about the placement of the drainage tile at Palisades Park.  Director Kading noted that it would be discussed under new business. 



A.     Commissioners

Commissioner Lynch needed clarification on the Hwy CB/Nature Park on the corner of and East Shady Lane.  (1-2) acres of lawn were cut.  Dir. Kading responded that this was a weed control problem protecting neighboring homes, and mowing was completed by the park staff.


Commissioner Zaborsky wanted to congratulate the members of the park staff who diligently prepared and labored over the grounds to make the Moseng property improvements.  The Commissioners agreed that many comments have been received about this acquisition.


Commissioner Holtz appreciated the patience from the neighborhood waiting for Butte des Morts Park to be completed.  Now with the asphalt paved parking lot, the park looks renewed.






A.      Park Conditions

Director Kading explained the reconditioning of the Moseng property next to O’Hauser Park.  Additional trees will be planted in September.


Butte des Morts Park’s asphalt paving has been completed for the parking lot.  Landscaping around the lift station will be installed mid-September.


Meadow Heights Park was discussed.  Photographs of the area and ideas were presented.  The planting of grass and final grading will be completed by the developer.


B.     Mission / Vision Statement

A mission vision statement was been drafted by Director Kading.  Comments on verbiage were discussed.  Ideas were exchanged and; another draft will be completed for the next meeting.


C.     Fritse Park Conceptual Master Plan Adoption

Director Kading brought the poster of the Conceptual Master Plan for the Fritse Park prepared by Mayo Corporation.  MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Commissioner Glen Allen to approve the Fritse Park Master Plan as outlined.  Motion carried unanimously.


D.  2005 Budget Process

Budget dates were discussed with the Budget Committee membership.  Guides for discussion were handed out to the Budget Committee; and dates reviewed for submission to the Town Board.



  1.  Palisades Park Drainage

Cal Tesch, Palisades Athletics requested that when the detention / retention pond is built would staff be installing the balance of the drainage tile.  Discussion ensued.  Director Kading reviewed copies of previous minutes and stated that the drainage “spine”, which would connect to the drainage tile project, would be installed when the detention pond adjacent to Palisades Park was completed. 


The Association members mentioned that during the 2004 ball season they had commitments for the tiles and membership to help with installation.  At this time these commitments can not be promised. 


The Park Commission requested a commitment from the Palisades Athletics Board so the we could present an accurate estimate to the 2005 budget committee meetings.  Palisades Athletics stated that their board would be meeting September 14.  If Palisades Athletics could find out what the Association can do; or is willing to do, the drainage tile may be installed immediately.  Commissioner John Zaborsky said he would check his schedule and try to attend this meeting.


MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded Commissioner Judy Holtz to approve  the installation of the drain tile as outlined in the map provided to Palisades Athletics at the July 7, 2004 Park Commission meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


B.     Optimist Paddle Center Request – Terry Gant

Mr. Gant has made a request to delay his presentation until the next Park Commission meeting in September.



Music / Tent Requests:







MOTION: Commissioner Judy Holtz, seconded by Commissioner John Zaborsky to adjourn the Park Commission meeting of August 25, 2004 at 8:00 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.







Judy R. Holtz

Secretary Park Commission