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PARK COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                                           JUNE  23, 2004

Park Commissioners Present:  Richard Gawinski, Roy Kuehn, John Zaborsky, Clarence Peterson, Herb Horn, and Judy Holtz.

Commissioner Horn and Holtz arrived at 6:50 p.m.


Excused: Commissioner Glen Allen


Also Present:

Director Michael T. Kading                                        Recreation Supervisor Becky Thone

Bookkeeper Mary Heiting                                           Park Foreman Ron Pavlak

Mike Lynch                 Robert Ingalls                          Cal Tesch                                Jim Evans

Terry Wray                  Sheryl Wray                            Bill Rasmussen                       Scott Dohms

Rhonda Dohms

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *     *    *    *


The Commission meeting was held at the Community Center and was called to order by President Richard Gawinski at 6:00 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call taken.



MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Commissioner Roy Kuehn to approve the minutes of June 9, 2004.  Motion carried unanimously.


The Commissioners reviewed the expenditure list from in the amount of $8,961.62.  MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Commissioner Clarence Peterson to approve the expenditures as listed.  Motion carried unanimously.



Jim Evans, President of the Palisades Athletics and other members of the Association came to ask questions of the Park Commission.  Mr. Evans expressed thanks for the work performed in completing the walkways to the ball diamonds. 


Mr. Evans expressed concern over the fact that Youth Sports Baseball requested use of the Palisades ball diamonds for a function on a Saturday in June.  It appears that during the event some of Palisades Athletics pitching rubbers were removed and lost.  Questions arose about the usage by other individuals when not being used by the Palisades Athletics Association.


The Association members then inquired about the status of the drainage tile issue and an estimate for installation of the batting cage.  The Association felt that the spring / summer season, being so wet, the drainage issue needs immediate consideration.


Director Kading stated that we are currently working on this issue, and a solution may be around the corner.  The Town of Menasha is proposing a detention pond in an adjacent area to Palisades Park.  The Town Board will be meeting Monday, June 28 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the resolution to acquire this property.  Palisades Athletics Association was encouraged to express their concerns and support for this acquisition during the Monday meeting. 


Commissioner Zaborsky suggested that any decisions be postponed until after this meeting.  Discussion ensued about various locations and construction details.  It was noted that a temporary solution may only save about two weeks of (re)installation time; and Palisades Athletics should provide a full design for the construction plans to include a concrete pad base.  This issue will be agendized at the July 14 Park Commission meeting for further discussion.  At that time, the Town should be able to assist where the drain tile will be installed.






Discussion on the reports has been suspended, to expedite the meeting for the Mission / Vision statement workshop.



A.    Athletic Association Draft Agreement

The Director was asked to research the area sport association agreements from the City of Menasha and Neenah and provide a draft agreement to present to the Commissioners.  Commission reviewed the draft with suggestions for inclusion in the next revised copy which should be reviewed by the Town Attorney.



A.  Mission / Vision Statement – Discussion

Director Kading was appointed to prepare a mission / vision statement.  This meeting and several in the future will be starting early to accommodate discussion and conclude with a Park and Recreation Department-Mission / Vision Statement.  Many topics were discussed to include some direction that the Park Commission and staff will promote.  Further discussion will be included at on the July 14 agenda.


B.  Fritsch Park Cottonwood Trees

At our June Park Commission meeting, Mr. Marsden, a neighbor of Fritsch Park, requested removal of the cottonwood trees adjacent to his house; because he felt they were a serious public nuisance. 


The Street Department and Wastewater Department were both contacted to inspect this area and found no conflict. The Park Commission requested an arborist to inspect and report their findings. Ranger Services, prepared a report that showed the trees in ‘moderately low / moderate’ risk.  The arborist report also noted that tree #3 adjacent to 1195 Bonnie Drive had a limb that needed pruning and suggested the limb be removed. 


MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Clarence Peterson to NOT remove the trees in question, continue to monitor the trees; and to comply with the recommendation to prune the limb on tree #3 described in the arborist report.  A roll call vote noted: Horn, Peterson, Kuehn, Holtz and Zaborsky all Aye.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Music / Tent Requests:

No requests were needed for this meeting.



MOTION: Commissioner Judy Holtz, seconded by Commissioner Clarence Peterson to adjourn the Park Commission meeting of June 23, 2004 at 8:45 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.







John A. Zaborsky

Secretary Park Commission