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PARK COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                                           MARCH  10, 2004

Park Commissioners Present: Richard Gawinski, Roy Kuehn, Glen Allen, Herb Horn John Zaborsky,


Excused: Recreation Supervisor Becky Thone and Commissioner Clarence Peterson and Judy Holtz


Also Present:

Director Michael T. Kading                            Bookkeeper Mary Heiting

Town Board Chairman Arden Tews               Town Board Supervisor Barb Hanson

Jim Evans, Palisades Athl.                              Bruce Strauss, Palisades Athl.

Neighborhood Representatives:  Linda Cashman, Cyndi VandenLangenberg                        

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The Commission meeting was held at the Community Center and was called to order by President Richard Gawinski, at 7:00 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call taken.



MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Commissioner Herb Horn to approve the minutes of February 11, 2004.  Motion carried unanimously. 


The Commissioners postponed the expenditures until later in the meeting.



Ms. Cashman and VandenLangenberg discussed the neighborhood surrounding Kippenhan Park at 817 Louise Rd.  They were interested in how the equipment could be updated at the park.  The neighborhood currently has 69 children, and 38 of which are under the 5th Grade in school.  The 40 – 50 residences around Kippenhan are in a renewal process and want to discuss obtaining pricing and design allowances to update the area. 


Director Kading stated that he can supply playground equipment catalogs for distribution around the neighborhood and for obtaining suggestions.  These suggestions would help with placement and new design ideas.


Commissioner John Zaborsky suggested that when we tour the parks, we review this park and the specific projects requested.  If the neighborhood can find examples of other parks and equipment needed for this area it would be helpful.


The 2004 budget has been set, but Director Kading suggests that a neighborhood park design/discussion group may want to explore community donations and labor.  It was suggested that the Park Staff / Commissioners design a plan and budget for 2005.  It may be possible to request assistance when a design plan is in place for this project from the Miron Corporation who Mr. Kippenhan was a founder.


Jim Evans, and Bruce Strauss from Palisades Athletics were in attendance to discuss some previous issues and current issues about Palisades Park.


Palisades Athletics reviewed a project requested in previous years that would be completed by the Town.  The project was to replace the concrete that was under the canopy of the concession stand.  At this time, this project has not been completed. 


The drainage problem and installation of drainage tile was discussed.  The consensus was to install drain tile between the ball diamonds to alleviate this problem.  Then after this project was complete, the consensus was to have a batting cage could be installed in this same area.


Commissioner Zaborsky asked if there were no drainage problems where would an ideal spot be for the batting cage.  Mr. Evans suggested that the batting cage would be more convenient near the concession stand for the installation of electricity needed for the pitching machine and storage in the off season.


Commissioner Zaborsky thanked Jim and Bruce for attending the Commission meetings and being patient with the Commission and Town Board in these tight budget years; and due to the budget restraints these projects were delayed.  Commissioner Zaborsky invited Palisades Athletics to the budget hearings that start in July / August 2004 to help support these projects.  Palisades Athletics confirmed that they have acquired funding to purchase the batting cage but no assigned place for installation.  Director Kading should proceed with estimates for the drainage tile issues and concrete work.


Projects for Palisades Athletics, such as rollering, baseline treatments and grass killer placement on the infield line of the little ball diamond should be scheduled in the near future.  Box scraping the infields of the two big diamonds need to be completed. 



The park report was prepared by the Foreman Pavlak and was reviewed.  Director Kading commented on the items which will need attention in the near future.


The Recreation Supervisor Thone had the handout, public community center rental revenue/expense survey.  The first survey compiled was based on the 2003 expense and revenues of the Community Center.  The second survey is built on the anticipated revenue/expenses for Recreations Programs in Spring, Summer and Fall of 2004.


Director Kading reported on the current updates to the Moseng property and the grading work required this spring.



  1. Discussion – Special Processing Checks

Director Kading explained that extenuating circumstances require last minute check processing.  Examples: WPRA area attraction tickets and the special stage supplies and costumes needed for the dance recital.  After discussion, there was a motion.  MOTION: Commissioner Glen Allen, seconded by Commissioner Herb Horn to authorize Director Kading to proceed with any special check processing requests.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Recreation – Revenue vs. Expense Report  (Spring-Summer-Fall 2004)

Recreation Supervisor Thone included this report in the February Commission meeting packet.  The Commission had no questions.  Comments generated were about hiring males or senior citizens, to assist on the available tasks needed in the Recreation Department.


  1. Ordinance Revision Park & Open Space Land Dedication, Fees-in-lieu of Land and Park Improvement Fees

Director Kading reviewed the concerns from the Town Board about the Park and Open Space Plan.  The ordinance revision would add language to include fees-in-lieu of land and a park improvement fee. 


The formula for calculating the ratio per dwelling unit was studied.  Factors’ comparing other municipalities requiring additional park land was presented on a bulletin board for the Commissioners to review.  Discussion ensued between the Park Commission and Town Board representatives, Chairman Arden Tews and Supervisor Barb Hanson.


MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Glen Allen to approve the ordinance with the following additional changes:  Fees in Lieu of Land ADD: “Fifty percent (50%) of fees are due at the time of final plat; the remaining fifty percent (50%) is due when fifty percent (50%) of the lots are sold.  Fees shall be adjusted December 31 or every year to be effective Jan. 1 of each fiscal year based on the North Central Region Consumer Price Index, Sept. percent change, or 3%, which ever is greater.  Motion carried unanimously.



  1. Park Sign Program

A design of new signs for Butte des Morts and other parks were looked over.  Foreman Pavlak prepared a spreadsheet with comparative sign prices.  Materials for the construction of the signs were inspected.  It was the consensus of the Commission to proceed with Great Lakes Specialty. 


Supervisor Hanson inquired about obtaining quotes from area sign organizations.  Director Kading noted that the special materials and die cutting of these recycled products was more of a specialty and not available at other companies in the Fox Valley. 


MOTION: Commissioner Herb Horn, seconded by Commissioner Roy Kuehn to proceed with Great Lakes Specialty for the purchase price of $1,366.75 for Butte des Morts, Strohmeyer, Kuehn, Westfield and Kippenhan Parks.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. PALS Spending

Projects have come up recently to necessitate spending from the PALS account.  Materials were not budgeted for this project in 2004.  The portable stage system and alterations for the first annual dance recital would need to be offset by the PALS account.  Staff needs approval on these designated funds before paying the expenditures.  MOTION: Commissioner John Zaborsky, seconded by Commissioner Glen Allen to approve spending from the PALS account for this project.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. TE Grant Application – Funding Welcome Center at Fritse Park

The TE Grant application will help fund the proposed Welcome Center at Fritse Park.  As funds are not available until 2005 – 2006, the application process needs to be prepared with authorization in advance to be placed on the list to qualify for grant funds. MOTION: Commissioner Glen Allen, seconded by Commissioner Herb Horn to authorize Director Kading to prepare the necessary steps and apply for the TE Grant.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Stewardship Grant Application Authorization

The proposed Stewardship Grant application is for the purpose of acquiring land near Fritse Park and the Rydell property.  MOTION: Commissioner Herb Horn, seconded by Commissioner Glen Allen to proceed in the application process for the Stewardship Grant.  The Commission authorizes the President and Secretary to sign the resolution presented at this meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Snow Removal Report

The snow removal report display a spreadsheet of the number of hours spent and miles covered for this new trial of snow removal from the trails.  Originally a specific area was to be cleared.  Then upon completing the snow removal, there were concerns about the sections not completed.  A solution to plow all of the trails to see if this would involve minimal hours to complete.


  1. Park Laborer Position

Park Laborer, Michael Campbell has turned in his transfer notice from the Park Department and has been accepted in the Wastewater Department for the Town of Menasha.  His effective date to start with the Wastewater Department will be March 22, 2004. 


The Commission wants to thank Michael for his 7 years of diligent service.  His service and projects  have shown excellent skill and pride in workmanship.  Best wishes from all the staff and Park Commission in your new job position.



The Commissioners reviewed the expenditures in the amount of $6,221.73.  MOTION: Commissioner Glen Allen, seconded by Commissioner Herb Horn to approve the expenditures as listed including the amounts mentioned in the PALS account.  Motion carried unanimously.



Motion by Commissioner Herb Horn, seconded by Commissioner Roy Kuehn to adjourn the Park Commission meeting of March 10, 2004.  Approved unanimously at 9:45  pm.





John A. Zaborsky,  

Secretary Park Commission